SIDE EFFECT SYNDROME – Why all prescription medications cause horrific health problems that are often worse than the condition being treated

Millions of Americans are taking prescription medications just to deal with the side effects of their other prescription medications. This latest epidemic has been termed “S.E.S.” for Side Effect Syndrome, and it’s no joke. Understanding why all prescription medications are made in laboratories using chemicals is key to comprehending the root cause of S.E.S. and being able to fathom why medical doctors, who attend college for eight long years, would dangerously prescribe more experimental chemicals for the health detriment caused by the other experimental chemicals their patients are already taking, all according to their “recommendations.”

It gets even worse. The new medications, solely aimed at treating the side effects and new symptoms caused by the other medications, carry with them brand new side effects that further punish the health of those victims of SES, thus compounding the epidemic. How many “band aids” can you pile on an infection before you figure out the “cover up” isn’t working, but making matters worse?

Two hundred million Americans are taking prescription medications just to deal with the side effects of their other prescription medications

A century ago in America, the American Medical Association (AMA) decided that medical doctors could no longer recommend natural remedies for anything, ever. Nearly all nutritional classes were cancelled at medical colleges, and if a “medicine” wasn’t created using chemicals in a laboratory, and if it couldn’t be patented and sold for massive profit, then it wouldn’t be considered medicine at all. In fact, anyone treating any disease, disorder, allergy, rash, head cold, fever, flu, headache, stomach ache, or any other malady, with natural remedy was labeled a “quack.”

Shortly after the AMA began running their massive chemical medication Ponzi scheme, the FDA and CDC hopped aboard. Then, during and after WWII, American food was being processed with chemical additives and preservatives, canned, and shipped out for mass consumption. This guaranteed that unsuspecting consumers would eat the chemical-laden food and then seek medical advice for their chemically-driven health symptoms.

Nobody realized that the very medicine they would be prescribed for their chemical food disorders would only address and “manage” the symptoms of disease and cell disorder, but never cure them. Their cleansing organs were being flooded with toxins while burning the proverbial candle at both ends.

Then came the advent of vaccines – injections of known neurotoxins and carcinogens that supposedly saved Americans from all infectious diseases. That too was a huge con. Ever researched the true history of the polio vaccine? You’ll be shocked to find out how the vaccine con all began, and the CDC was at the root of all the propaganda.

Allopathic America was well planned and insidiously weaved. When Hitler was killed and Nazi Germany dismantled, the legend of Big Pharma lived on, perpetuated in the “Land of the Free,” where toxic food and chemical medicine hit like a tsunami. Then came genetically modified crops (a.k.a. Frankenfoods) in the mid-1980s, and the vicious increase of the highly experimental vaccine schedule to include more than 50 jabs for babies and children before age seven. Welcome to the chemical-medical-industrial complex, where WMD’s are actually prescription medications “taken as directed.”

If prescription medications work, then why do the people who take them remain the sickest Americans?

Know anybody who has been on blood thinners for decades? What about cholesterol medications or beta blockers? Did you know that cancer, heart disease, obesity, arthritis, osteoporosis, and dementia are NOT inherited? People who take chemical medications for extended periods of time are some of the sickest Americans, battling preventable diseases with lab-made concoctions that have zero chance of curing them.

Did you know chemotherapy creates new cancers in the body, and only staves off the cancer being treated three percent of the time? That means chemotherapy, which is a prescription, fails 97 percent of the time, on average. Would you board a plane that only has a three percent chance of landing successfully?

Are you suffering from Side Effect Syndrome? It’s time to eat mainly organic food and check with a Naturopathic Physician in your area, who looks first for the root of your health problems, seeks non-invasive cures and remedies, and understands that “you are what you eat.” Once you stop eating, drinking, injecting, and putting chemicals on your body, your cleansing organs can do their innate jobs, and your blood can cleanse itself, your brain fog disappears, and the inflammation disappears. After all, chronic inflammation and nutrient deficiency are the root of almost every disease and disorder known to mankind.

Learn more about the dangers of modern medicine at

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